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四大之一普華永道(Pwc)的新法(NewLaw)部門聘請了紐約市領先精品所 Fincap Law 的合伙人艾倫·安吉爾(Alan Angell)成為其日益壯大的專家團隊的一員,該團隊的重點面向從高端管理法律服務(MLS)到圍繞技術的法律工程諮詢再到法律運營、流程變革和組織諮詢等廣泛領域的公司法務團隊提供支持。
The NewLaw arm of Big Four firm PwC, has hired Alan Angell, a partner from pioneering City boutique Fincap Law, to be part of its growing team of experts focused on supporting corporate legal teams across a wide range of areas, from higher end managed legal services (MLS), to legal engineering advice around tech, to legal operations, process change and organisational consulting.
總部設在英國的 NewLaw團隊現在大約有50人。它的目標是幫助有廣泛需求的公司法務部門,以及對普華永道全球3,700名實務律師以及四大律師事務所的商業諮詢團隊發揮作用。
The UK-based NewLaw team has around 50 people now. Its objective is to help corporate legal departments with a wide range of needs, and when it’s useful to work alongside PwC’s main legal practice of 3,700 lawyers around the world, as well as the Big Four firm’s business consulting teams.
Angell已加入普華永道NewLaw擔任董事,並將與其他律師合作,例如倫敦的 Andrew Giverin 。
Angell has joined as a Director at PwC NewLaw and will work with fellow lawyers such as Andrew Giverin in London, (see earlier interview).
人工智能律師與Angell談到了他的行動和普華永道NewLaw 部門正在做什麼。首先,關於他的跳槽,他提到他離開Fincap是因為在戰略上的不同。早年,Angell在摩根大通公司工作,並在國際律師事務所 CMS接受培訓。他的職業生涯主要集中在金融服務上。
Artificial Lawyer spoke to Angell about his move and what PwC NewLaw is doing. First, as to his move, he mentioned that he left Fincap because of a difference over strategy. Earlier on in his career Angell worked at JP Morgan, and trained at global law firm CMS. His career has been largely focused on financial services.
Now at PwC he is part of a multi-disciplinary group and his experience will be leveraged to help the inhouse legal teams of the Big Four firm’s many financial sector clients, among others.


Alan Angell,英國普華永道 NewLaw部門的主任
“我們在普華永道 NewLaw提供的產品引人注目。我們正在幫助法律行業的設計和運作模式。它關乎改革和重組,關乎法律功能的設計,”他解釋道。
‘The offering we have at PwC NewLaw is compelling. We are helping with the design and operating model for legal departments. It’s about transformation and reorganisation, it’s about legal function design,’ he explained.
“我對法律科技也有個人興趣,”他補充道,並指出,他還曾在以銀行為中心的文件自動化公司 Wall Street Docs擔任首席運營官。
‘I also have a personal interest in legal tech,’ he added, and noted that he had also worked as COO at Wall Street Docs, the banking-focused document automation company.


“We are helping with the design and operating model for legal departments.”

‘People at corporates want to build a legal function that is fit for purpose – and this includes tech,’ he added. ‘We work with clients to help them define their legal tech strategy. We help them to see what is out there and how to implement it.’
他補充說,他們的 MLS團隊是 NewLaw集團的一部分,為內部團隊處理更複雜的流程類型的工作,其團隊的一部分設在貝爾法斯特,”由技術驅動”。
He added that their MLS team, which is part of the NewLaw group and deals with more complex process-type work for inhouse teams, and which has part of its group based in Belfast, is ‘enabled by tech’.
Angell noted that as well as using tech provided by well-known vendors in their work, they have also built their own solutions, including for doc review.


他解釋說:”這項工作不是業務流程外包,而是 MLS處於價值鏈的上層。他們可能正在研究的領域包括為衍生產品交易重新訂立複雜的合同,或與逐步取消同業拆借利率相關的 IBOR問題。
‘This work is not business process outsourcing, this is MLS that is higher up the value chain,’ he explained. The areas they may be working on would include matters such as repapering complex contracts for derivatives trading, or IBOR issues that relate to the phase-out of the interbank lending rate.
英國的 NewLaw團隊正在壯大,目前它正在倫敦、伯明翰、利茲和貝爾法斯特四個基地開展業務。然而,Angell補充說,他們的工作方法是”相當流暢的”,當對客戶有用時,他們將與普華永道的其他部門,如諮詢部門攜手合作。
The UK’s NewLaw team is growing, and at present it is operating from four bases:London, Birmingham, Leeds and Belfast. However, Angell added that their approach to work is ‘quite fluid’ and when it’s useful for the client they will work hand in hand with other parts of PwC, such as its consulting division.
在普華永道的其他地區部門,也建立了 NewLaw團隊,比如在澳大利亞。
There are also NewLaw groups around the world in other parts of PwC, such as in Australia.
人工智能律師問到普華永道向法務團隊提供 NewLaw 服務時,普華永道在與誰競爭。Angell並不想提及具體的競爭對手,這是可以理解的,但是很明顯,普華永道把它的主要競爭對手看作是其他四大公司和一些進步的替代性法律服務機構。關於”傳統律師事務所”,普華永道認為,這些律師事務所並不被視為NewLaw諮詢領域的直接競爭對手。
Artificial Lawyer asked about who PwC is competing against when it comes to this NewLaw offering to inhouse legal teams. Angell understandably didn’t wish to mention specific competitors, but it’s clear that PwC sees its main competition as the other Big Four firms and some of the more progressive ALSPs. With regard to ‘traditional law firms’ the general indication is that these are not seen as direct rivals in the NewLaw advisory space from PwC’s perspective.
在這種情況下,最後一個問題是:普華永道 NewLaw 是否會幫助律師事務所在法律技術和服務提供方面提供建議?答案是禮貌的:不,我們現在不和他們合作。
In which case, the last question is: would PwC NewLaw help to advise law firms on matters related to legal tech and service delivery? The answer to that is a polite: no, we don’t work with them at present.
總而言之,普華永道 NewLaw 和四大會計師事務所的業績令人振奮,因為它們正在持續地提高自身能力以滿足同樣增長的需求。
All in all, exciting times for PwC NewLaw and the Big Four in general, as they continue to grow their capabilities to meet an equally growing demand.

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香港IPO上市申請失敗:被聯交所拒絕的24個案例匯總 (2018年)



Author: RyanBen
