谷歌兩創始人辭任母公司CEO和總裁,皮查伊接班 | 附辭職公開信(全文)


谷歌兩創始人辭任母公司CEO和總裁,皮查伊接班 | 附辭職公開信(全文)

Alphabet首席執行長佩奇(Larry Page)周二宣布,他將辭去該職位。除了目前的職位,谷歌首席執行官桑達爾·皮查伊將接任母公司首席執行官一職。聯合創始人謝爾蓋·布林也將辭去Alphabet總裁一職,該職位將被取消。


谷歌兩創始人辭任母公司CEO和總裁,皮查伊接班 | 附辭職公開信(全文)




Alphabet可能需要更多地依賴於它的其他賭注,其中包括公司像Waymo 韋莫和 verily 威利,因為它的核心數字廣告業務運行谷歌顯示出放緩的跡象。谷歌2019年第一季度廣告收入放緩,第三季度利潤較上年同期下降。儘管其雲計算業務正在增長,但該公司仍難以在硬件領域獲得可觀的收入。

佩奇和皮查伊在動蕩的幾年裡一直監管着公司,谷歌的員工已經表達了對公司政策的不滿。據《紐約時報》調查顯示,去年,數千名谷歌員工走出世界各地的辦公室,抗議谷歌支付給前安卓領導人安迪·魯賓(Andy Rubin)的價值九千萬美元的離職補償方案,儘管谷歌發現針對他的性不當行為指控是可信的。CNBC上月報道稱,Alphabet的董事會已經開始調查高管們是如何處理性不當行為的。











谷歌兩創始人辭任母公司CEO和總裁,皮查伊接班 | 附辭職公開信(全文)





谷歌兩創始人辭任母公司CEO和總裁,皮查伊接班 | 附辭職公開信(全文)



這些只是我們在Alphabet內部成立的幾個科技公司的例子,此外還有投資子公司GV和Capital G,它們支持了數百家公司。與谷歌的所有服務一起,這形成了一個豐富多彩的技術賭注在一系列行業-所有的目標都是幫助人民和解決重大挑戰。

谷歌兩創始人辭任母公司CEO和總裁,皮查伊接班 | 附辭職公開信(全文)

我們的第二封創始人信開始於:「 Google誕生於1998年。如果是一個人,它將在去年夏末(8月19日左右)開始上小學,而今天它即將完成一年級。」今天,在2019年,假設該公司是一個人,那將是21歲的年輕人,是時候離開這個職位了。長期參與公司的日常管理一直是一項巨大的榮幸,但我們相信,現在應該承擔起驕傲的父母的角色了-提供建議和關愛,而不是每天嘮叨! 如今,Alphabet已經很成熟,並且Google和Other Bets作為獨立公司有效運作,現在是時候簡化我們的管理結構了。當我們認為有更好的方法來運營公司時,我們從來沒有擔任過管理職務。Alphabet和Google不再需要兩位CEO和一位總裁。展望未來,Sundar將擔任Google和Alphabet的首席執行官。他將負責領導Google,並負責管理Alphabet對我們其他投注組合的投資。我們長期致力於Google和Alphabet,並將繼續積极參与董事會成員,股東和聯合創始人的活動。此外,我們計劃繼續定期與Sundar交流,尤其是在我們熱衷的話題上!



谷歌兩創始人辭任母公司CEO和總裁,皮查伊接班 | 附辭職公開信(全文)





如今,Alphabet已經很成熟,並且Google和Other Bets作為獨立公司有效運作,現在是時候簡化我們的管理結構了。當我們認為有更好的方法來運營公司時,我們從來沒有擔任過管理職務。Alphabet和Google不再需要兩位CEO和一位總裁。








A letter from Larry and Sergey

Larry Page and Sergey Brin
Published Dec 3, 2019

Our very first founders』 letter in our 2004 S-1 began:

「Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one. Throughout Google』s evolution as a privately held company, we have managed Google differently. We have also emphasized an atmosphere of creativity and challenge, which has helped us provide unbiased, accurate and free access to information for those who rely on us around the world.」

We believe those central tenets are still true today. The company is not conventional and continues to make ambitious bets on new technology, especially with our Alphabet structure. Creativity and challenge remain as ever-present as before, if not more so, and are increasingly applied to a variety of fields such as machine learning, energy efficiency and transportation. Nonetheless, Google』s core service—providing unbiased, accurate, and free access to information—remains at the heart of the company.

However, since we wrote our first founders』 letter, the company has evolved and matured. Within Google, there are all the popular consumer services that followed Search, such as Maps, Photos, and YouTube; a global ecosystem of devices powered by our Android and Chrome platforms, including our own Made by Google devices; Google Cloud, including GCP and G Suite; and of course a base of fundamental technologies around machine learning, cloud computing, and software engineering. It』s an honor that billions of people have chosen to make these products central to their lives—this is a trust and responsibility that Google will always work to live up to.

And structurally, the company evolved into Alphabet in 2015. As we said in the Alphabet founding letter in 2015: 

「Alphabet is about businesses prospering through strong leaders and independence.」

Since we wrote that, hundreds of Phoenix residents are now being driven around in Waymo cars—many without drivers! Wing became the first drone company to make commercial deliveries to consumers in the U.S. And Verily and Calico are doing important work, through a number of great partnerships with other healthcare companies. Some of our 「Other Bets」 have their own boards with independent members, and outside investors.

Those are just a few examples of technology companies that we have formed within Alphabet, in addition to investment subsidiaries GV and Capital G, which have supported hundreds more.  Together with all of Google』s services, this forms a colorful tapestry of bets in technology across a range of industries—all with the goal of helping people and tackling major challenges.

Our second founders』 letter began:

「Google was born in 1998. If it were a person, it would have started elementary school late last summer (around August 19), and today it would have just about finished the first grade.」

Today, in 2019, if the company was a person, it would be a young adult of 21 and it would be time to leave the roost. While it has been a tremendous privilege to be deeply involved in the day-to-day management of the company for so long, we believe it』s time to assume the role of proud parents—offering advice and love, but not daily nagging!

With Alphabet now well-established, and Google and the Other Bets operating effectively as independent companies, it』s the natural time to simplify our management structure. We』ve never been ones to hold on to management roles when we think there』s a better way to run the company. And Alphabet and Google no longer need two CEOs and a President. Going forward, Sundar will be the CEO of both Google and Alphabet. He will be the executive responsible and accountable for leading Google, and managing Alphabet』s investment in our portfolio of Other Bets. We are deeply committed to Google and Alphabet for the long term, and will remain actively involved as Board members, shareholders and co-founders. In addition, we plan to continue talking with Sundar regularly, especially on topics we』re passionate about! 

Sundar brings humility and a deep passion for technology to our users, partners and our employees every day. He』s worked closely with us for 15 years, through the formation of Alphabet, as CEO of Google, and a member of the Alphabet Board of Directors. He shares our confidence in the value of the Alphabet structure, and the ability it provides us to tackle big challenges through technology. There is no one that we have relied on more since Alphabet was founded, and no better person to lead Google and Alphabet into the future.

We are deeply humbled to have seen a small research project develop into a source of knowledge and empowerment for billions—a bet we made as two Stanford students that led to a multitude of other technology bets. We could not have imagined, back in 1998 when we moved our servers from a dorm room to a garage, the journey that would follow.

Sundar sent the following email to Googlers on Tuesday, December 3:

Hi everyone,

When I was visiting Googlers in Tokyo a few weeks ago I talked about how Google has changed over the years. In fact, in my 15+ years with Google, the only constant I』ve seen is change. This process of continuous evolution — which the founders often refer to as “uncomfortably exciting” — is part of who we are. That statement will feel particularly true today as you read the news Larry and Sergey have just posted to our blog.
The key message Larry and Sergey shared is this: 

While it has been a tremendous privilege to be deeply involved in the day-to-day management of the company for so long, we believe it』s time to assume the role of proud parents—offering advice and love, but not daily nagging!

With Alphabet now well-established, and Google and the Other Bets operating effectively as independent companies, it』s the natural time to simplify our management structure. We』ve never been ones to hold on to management roles when we think there』s a better way to run the company. And Alphabet and Google no longer need two CEOs and a President. Going forward, Sundar will be the CEO of both Google and Alphabet. He will be the executive responsible and accountable for leading Google, and managing Alphabet』s investment in our portfolio of Other Bets. We are deeply committed to Google and Alphabet for the long term, and will remain actively involved as Board members, shareholders and co-founders. In addition, we plan to continue talking with Sundar regularly, especially on topics we』re passionate about! 

I first met Larry and Sergey back in 2004 and have been benefiting from their guidance and insights ever since. The good news is I』ll continue to work with them — although in different roles for them and me. They』ll still be around to advise as board members and co-founders.
I want to be clear that this transition won’t affect the Alphabet structure or the work we do day to day. I will continue to be very focused on Google and the deep work we』re doing to push the boundaries of computing and build a more helpful Google for everyone. At the same time, I』m excited about Alphabet and its long term focus on tackling big challenges through technology.
The founders have given all of us an incredible chance to have an impact on the world. Thanks to them, we have a timeless mission, enduring values, and a culture of collaboration and exploration that makes it exciting to come to work every day. It』s a strong foundation on which we will continue to build. Can』t wait to see where we go next and look forward to continuing the journey with all of you. 
– Sundar

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谷歌兩創始人辭任母公司CEO和總裁,皮查伊接班 | 附辭職公開信(全文)

Author: RyanBen
