Results available but for the lack of agreement with the auditor
The Joint Statement by its wording would require issuers to publish preliminary results by the deadline date if such results are available but for the lack of agreement with the auditor.
To publish without agreement with the auditor would mean publishing information when the auditing team has not completed its work. The issuer』s board may have missed or misunderstood the latest changes in accounting standards. The auditor may have a valid challenge to the treatment of certain assets or liabilities. The lack of agreement with auditor could be significant. Directors have reasons to be worried.
Based on our understanding, if the issuer』s board has been diligent and reasonable in their treatment of the accounts and the interpretation of applicable standards, that the auditor may later disagree would not subsequently attract regulator actions unless there is evident fraud or other serious wrongdoing.
Other cases
In all other cases, the Joint Statement would require issuers to consult with the Exchange on what information is available, and to describe uncertainties and state how they may affect the numbers so the SFC and the Exchange can assess whether the information available is 「accurate and complete in all material respects」 and, if so published, would facilitate an informed investment decision.
The nature and scope of the uncertainties that may be present could well be material and will involve much value judgment. The audit process is a means to provide assurance on the validity and credibility of the information eventually published. Without audit, an issuer』s board may steer conservative and, out of liability reasons, become inclined to put out many disclaiming and qualifying statements as to reduce the utility of the information published.
Based on our understanding, the regulators indeed do not want a flood of cautionary statements as to make disclosure not useful. The regulators are more interested in knowing whether the board has put in a good faith effort to understand the issuer』s financial information available, the key audit matters that would more likely involve judgment (and, in normal times, actual discussions with auditor), how the board has come down to the position taken as to these key audit matters and then succinctly inform investors the rationale. Based on our understanding, a good faith effort to have gone through this deliberation process would not subsequently attract regulator actions unless there is evident fraud or other serious wrongdoing.
Ultimate responsibility rests with the whole board
Advice to boards
HKIoD has some advice to board members.
Contact the regulators in case of real difficulty
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