
美國證監會(SEC)於2020年8月18日公布,普華永道PwC合伙人Diana Stoltzfus被任命為Deputy Chief Accountant,分管註冊會計師行業和PCAOB。



SEC Names Diana Stoltzfus as Deputy Chief Accountant


Washington D.C., Aug. 18, 2020 —

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced the appointment of Diana Stoltzfus as a Deputy Chief Accountant (Professional Practice Group) in the agency’s Office of the Chief Accountant (OCA).

As Deputy Chief Accountant, Ms. Stoltzfus will lead the activities of the office』s Professional Practice Group (PPG), which includes supporting the Commission in overseeing the activities of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), managing rule-making and the resolution of auditor independence matters, and monitoring and addressing matters related to requirements for internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) and the audit of the financial statements.

Ms. Stoltzfus joins the SEC from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, where she was a partner in the firm’s assurance practice.  She has extensive experience serving as a lead partner and in other roles in the performance of the firm』s integrated audits of financial statements, which includes, among other things, matters related to audits of internal control over financial reporting, analyzing and applying PCAOB rules and standards, and analyzing complex accounting matters. 

“I am very excited that Diana has agreed to join OCA to oversee PPG,” said SEC Chief Accountant Sagar Teotia. “Diana』s extensive experience and expertise will be extremely valuable as we work closely with the PCAOB and other various stakeholders on auditing, ICFR, and auditor independence matters.  We are looking forward to Diana joining us and building on the hard work and prior successes of PPG.」 

「I am honored and thrilled for the opportunity to work at the SEC.  I am particularly excited to serve and work with the very talented and dedicated staff in OCA.  I am looking forward to continuing OCA and PPG』s very important work in several areas including auditing, ICFR, and auditor independence with of course an emphasis on protecting investors,」 said Ms. Stoltzfus.

Ms. Stoltzfus earned a B.S. in Accounting and Finance from the University of Arizona.  She is a Certified Public Accountant in California and Virginia.

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Author: RyanBen
