
Graduate Economist (2022 intakes)


(Monthly fixed pay at $49,000+ plus a lump-sum pay upon Programme completion)


The HKMA operates a two-year Graduate Economist (GE) Programme.  A GE will undergo on-the-job training in two to three different posts in economic research and macro-surveillance.  On completion of the Programme and subject to satisfactory performance, a GE will be appointed as an Economist.  There is flexibility of further job rotation after appointment to widen one』s exposure and horizon for long-term career development in central banking.

香港金融管理局開設了一個為期兩年的見習經濟師 (GE) 課程。見習經濟師將在經濟研究和宏觀監測方面接受兩到三個不同職位的在職培訓。完成該計劃並取得令人滿意的表現後,見習經濟師在完成計劃後會獲任命經濟師。任命後可以靈活地進一步輪換工作,以擴大在中央銀行的長期職業發展的曝光度和視野。



  • Holder of a Postgraduate’s degree in economics, finance or a related field

  • Strong analytical ability and good social and economic sense

  • Strong skills in econometrics and data management

  • Good interpersonal, presentation and communication skills

  • Excellent command of English, preferably conversant in Chinese

(Current final-year students are welcome to apply.  If selected, their appointments will be subject to the production of proof of the required academic qualification.)


Selection Process 

All applicants are required to submit a short essay of around 300 words with their applications.  Shortlisted candidates will be invited to join the selection process, which comprises a written test, group discussion and interviews.


Remuneration Package 

A competitive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate.  Fringe benefits include medical and dental benefits, paid annual leave, training sponsorship and reimbursement of professional membership fee.


How to apply 

Please submit your application online.

Completed application should reach the HKMA by 10 December 2021.  Applicants should ensure their applications reach the HKMA via the designated submission channel(s) well before the stated closing time, taking into account circumstances such as internet delay or file size restriction.  Those not contacted by the HKMA within three months from the close of application should consider their applications filed for future reference.

Personal data provided by applicants will be used strictly in accordance with our personal data policies, a copy of which will be provided upon request.  You may contact the Recruitment Officer at 55/F., Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong.

The HKMA is an equal opportunities employer.  More information on the HKMA can be found at the website

The Online Application System is scheduled to perform regular system maintenance from Hong Kong time 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. every Wednesday.  During this time, online application will not be available.



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香港 IPO中介機構排行榜 (過去24個月:2019年10月-2021年9月)

Author: qswh7232
