彭博报道,有据知情人士透露,身为瑞信集团最杰出亚洲高管之一的Alain Lam即将加入中国智慧手机生产商小米担任首席财务官。
因事未公开而不愿透露姓名的知情人士说,瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)亚太区投行董事总经理兼科技、媒体及电讯业主管林世伟(Alain Lam)最早将于9月初履任新职。小米前首席财务官周受资已被任命为国际业务总裁。
Sai Wai Alain Lam
Managing Director & Head of Technology and Media, Credit Suisse Investment Banking and Capital Markets, Asia Pacific, Hong Kong
Mr. Alain Lam is a Managing Director and the Head of Technology and Media in the Investment Banking and Capital Markets department, Asia Pacific, based in Hong Kong.
Prior to joining Credit Suisse in 2016, Mr. Lam was a Managing Director at Morgan Stanley responsible for the origination and execution of equity and equity-linked financings for issuers in the telecom, media, technology, and renewable sectors in Asia Pacific.
Mr. Lam joined Morgan Stanley in 1997 and worked in Morgan Stanley’s offices in New York, Menlo Park, and London before relocating to Hong Kong in 2006. Over the course of his 18 years with Morgan Stanley, Mr. Lam covered many of the most prominent technology companies globally, executing over 140 transactions with aggregate deal value of over US$60Bn.
Mr. Lam graduated with a MEng degree from the University of Oxford in 1997. Mr. Lam is fluent in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
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