
2023年2月21日,来自广东广州的高端电影院运营商广州中喜文化有限公司的实质控股股东影高文化控股有限公司 Cine Top Culture Holdings Limited(以下简称“影高文化”)在美国证监会(SEC)提交更新的招股书,拟于美国纳斯达克IPO上市。 其早于2022年1月24日在SEC秘密递表。









影高文化的收入主要来自广州星梦的电影票房净收入。公司还从 (i) 公司电影院的食品和饮料以及电影商品的特许销售中获得收入;(ii) 其他辅助服务,例如广告服务和赞助安排;(iii) 将电影院场地内的区域或空间转租给第三方商业运营商的租金收入。



潘义洪 Yihong Pan,通过Kin Lung Holdings Limited,持股 58.0%;

何健民 Jianmin He,通过Light Rain Investment Limited,持股 24.0%;

潘义明 Yiming Pan,通过Fu Ching Holdings Limited,持股 12.0%;

彭伟国 Weiguo Peng,通过Hei Yun Holding Limited,持股 6.0%。




Mr. Yihong Pan is our founder and was appointed as a director of the Board in February 2018. He was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company on July 5, 2022 and Chairman of the Board on August 2, 2022. Mr. Pan has served as the executive director and manager of Guangzhou Chunghei Culture Co., Ltd. since 2012. Mr. Pan serviced as executive director of Guangzhou Yanxi Western Food Co., Ltd. from 2015 to March 2021. He served as the executive director and manager of Shenzhen Qianhai Pengxing Internet Financial Service Co., Ltd. from 2014 to 2016. Mr. Pan received his diploma in business administration from Society of Business Practitioners in Cheshire English in 2014.


Ms. Binbin Yang was appointed as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company on August 1, 2022. Ms. Yang has served as the director of accounting department of Guangzhou Chunghei Culture Co., Ltd. since December 2014. From January 2009 to July 2014, Ms. Yang was the regional accounting manager of Guangzhou Yicai Enterprise Management Consultant Limited Company. From August 2004 to January 2009, Ms. Yang was the accounting in charge of Guangdong Heguang Co., Ltd. Ms. Yang graduated from China University of Geosciences in accounting major in July 1996. Mr. Yang received her Certificate of Accounting Professional (Junior Level) issued by Nanchang City Bureau of Finance on August 31, 2002 and Accounting Professional Qualification (Middle Level) issued by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China and Ministry of Finance of China on September 9, 2018.


Mr. Weigo Peng was appointed as the director of marketing and a director of the Board on August 1, 2022. Mr. Peng has served as managing director of Guangzhou Suiyue Culture Planning Co., Ltd. and secretary general of Guangzhou Suiyue Celebrity Soccer Club since November 2013. Mr. Peng was a coach for Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club from March 2010 to May 2013. Mr. Peng was a member of China National Soccer Team from 1992 to 1999 and received China’s Best Soccer Player of Year in 1994. Mr. Peng was a professional soccer player in China from 1992-2001. Mr. Peng studied at Guangzhou Pui Ching Middle School from September 1982 to July 1988 and studied at Jinan University from 1989 to 1992.


Mr. Chengxiang Yao was appointed as our independent director on August 2, 2022. Mr. Yao has served as the managing director of Shanghai Yonghua Investment Management Co., Ltd from March 2016. Mr. Yao served as investment director for various funds between 2013 and 2016. Mr. Yao was the founder and director of investment of Shanghai Jingyong Capital Investment Management Co., Ltd. from 2014 to 2016. Mr. Yao served as a senior manager of investment banking department of Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Co., Ltd. from 2010 to 2013. Mr. Yao worked as an auditor and a senior auditor at the audit department of PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian CPAs Limited from July 2008 to November 2010 in Shanghai, China. Mr. Yao received his bachelor’s degree in Statistics major from Fudan University in Shanghai in 2006.


Mr. Y. Tristan Kuo was appointed as our independent director on September 3, 2022. Since December 2020, Mr. Kuo has served as a board member, chairman of the audit committee, and a member of compensation committee and corporate governance and nominating committee of Jowell Global Ltd. (Nasdaq:JWEL). Since August 29, 2022, Mr. Kuo has served as a consultant and was the chief financial officer of Aerkomm Inc. (EuroNext-Paris: AKOM, OTCQX: AKOM) from April 10, 2017 to August 28, 2022. From November 1, 2019 to December 16, 2021, Mr. Kuo served as a board member, chairman of the audit committee and a member of compensation committee and corporate governance and nominating committee of Oriental Culture Holding LTD. (Nasdaq: OCG). From April 2016 to February 2020, Mr. Kuo served as vice president of investor relations and board secretary of Nutrastar International, Inc. From August 2015 to April 2017, Mr. Kuo served as chief financial officer of Success Holding Group International, Inc. From December 2014 to August 2015, Mr. Kuo served as engagement partner of Tatum. From August 2014 to May 2015, Mr. Kuo served as a member of board of directors and chairman of the audit committee of JX Luxventure Limited (NASDAQ: LLL, formerly known as KBS Fashion Group Limited). From June 2012 to November 2013, Mr. Kuo served as chief financial officer of Crown Bioscience, Inc. Mr. Kuo was the chief financial officer of China Biologic Products Inc. from June 2008 to May 2012 and was the vice president-finance of China Biologic Products Inc. from September 2007 to May 2008. Mr. Kuo received Master of Arts in Accounting from The Ohio State University in February 1982 and his Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Soochow University in Taiwan in May 1977.  The Board believes Mr. Kuo’s expertise and knowledge of accounting and management will benefit the Company’s operations and make him a valuable member of the board of directors and its committees.


Mr. Michael Leung was appointed as our independent director on August 2, 2022. Since April 2022, Mr. Leung has served as Chief Executive Officer of Metavize Technology Solutions Limited and president of iSHANG Technology Limited. Since March 1, 2021, Mr. Leung has served as a Board member, Chairman of the investment committee and Chief Executive Officer of the MHI International Holdings Ltd. Since April 2019, Mr. Leung has served as Legacy Family Planner of the Legacy Academy Ltd. From June 2013 to February 2019, Mr. Leung co-founded the Channel Force (HK) Ltd. and served as its Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Leung was the Chief Executive Officer of Ucan.com Group Ltd. from December 2011 to April 2013. Mr. Leung completed Executive Development Program at Stanford Graduate School of Business in 1997. Since 2012, Mr. Leung has been a life-member of the Stanford Graduate School of Business Alumni Association. Mr. Leung received his MBA degree from Oklahoma City University in May 1991 and is commended the “Distinguished Alumnus Award” in 1996 as well as the “Honorary Ambassador of Business School” in 2019. Mr. Leung obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Ottawa University in May 1989.



招股书显示,在过去的2020年、2021年和2022年前六个月,影高文化的收入分别为 143.63万、319.60万和116.67万美元,相应的净亏损分别为 241.51万、237.83万和161.83万美元。


影高文化是次IPO的的中介团队主要有:Pacific Century Securities, LLC为其承销商; 

Wei, Wei & Co., LLP


FisherBroyles, LLP


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Author: qswh7232
